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Made by request, this 3D Object - Match is a fun sorting activity, which helps students consolidate learning about 3D objects by recognising 3D objects in their real-life forms.
Recognise, compare and classify shapes, referencing the number of sides and using spatial terms such as “opposite”, “parallel”, “curved” and “straight”
Describe the features of three-dimensional objects
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Sorts, describes, represents and recognises familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores two- dimensional shapes, including quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons
Recognises, describes and represents shapes including quadrilaterals and other common polygons
Recognises, describes and represents familiar three-dimensional objects