Use this fun and engaging board game to develop student's skills of calculating change. Students begin with an allocated amount of money, then simply roll the dice, move their piece and subtract the amount shown on their space. Included in the resource is a recording sheet to help students keep track of their subtotals along the way. The person with the most amount of money at the end wins!
Recognise the relationships between dollars and cents and represent money values in different ways
Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents
Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems
Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used
Uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two-, three-, four- and five-digit numbers
Selects and uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving 2- and 3-digit numbers
Completes number sentences involving addition and subtraction by finding missing values