The Compass Directions Quiz is an auto-timed quiz that requires students identify missing compass points.
You can run this as an assessment activity or as a whole class participation activity.
Your role as the teacher is simply to start the slideshow and let the students do the rest. At the end of the quiz, students will be shown the answers and asked to mark their own work.
Create and interpret grid reference systems using grid references and directions to locate and describe positions and pathways
Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps
Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions
Uses grid maps and directional language to locate positions and follow routes
Measures and estimates lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres
Identifies angles and classifies them by comparing to a right angle