This simple multiplication game requires no preparation and is a fun way to consolidate student’s knowledge of basic multiplication facts. A colour and black & white version has been included.
A great activity to use in Maths rotations, groups and partner activities. It is also perfect for fast finishers.
Develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder
Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent numbers to at least tens of thousands
Represents and compares decimals up to 2 decimal places using place value
Selects and uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving 2- and 3-digit numbers
Completes number sentences involving addition and subtraction by finding missing values
Represents and uses the structure of multiplicative relations to 10 × 10 to solve problems
Completes number sentences involving multiplication and division by finding missing values
Represents and compares halves, quarters, thirds and fifths as lengths on a number line and their related fractions formed by halving (eighths, sixths and tenths)