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Creating Compound Sentences

Creating Compound Sentences
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A great worksheet to support your students create compound sentences. Students first identify compound sentences from simple sentences. Then, they complete compound sentences based off the provided independent clauses. Lastly, students create their own compound sentence and illustrate this. 

Suitable for
  • Relief Teachers
  • Parents
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Rotations / Group Work
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9E2LA06 9

Understand that connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with 2 or more independent clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction

ACELA1467 8.4

Understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction

EN1-9B old

Uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

EN1-RECOM-01 new

Comprehends independently read texts that require sustained reading by activating background and word knowledge, connecting and understanding sentences and whole text, and monitoring for meaning

EN1-CWT-01 new

Plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes, including paragraphs, using knowledge of vocabulary, text features and sentence structure

EN1-OLC-01 new

Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions


Understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction

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Peta Street
Posted 2 years ago
QLD, Australia

Would like to use but where are the coordinating conjunctions the students are meant to circle?

Teach This Staff
Teach This Staff
Replied 2 years ago

Students should be using a coordinating conjunction when they complete the sentences. They can then circle that coordinating conjunction that they included in each of the sentences.