This resource is a visual tool to assist with remembering how many days in each month.
Display this chart in your classroom to assist with remembering the order and how many days are in each month.
Sequence days of the week and times of the day including morning, lunchtime, afternoon and night time, and connect them to familiar events and actions
Describe the duration and sequence of events using years, months, weeks, days and hours
Compare and order duration of events using everyday language of time
Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours
Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings
Sequences events, uses everyday language to describe the durations of events, and reads hour time on clocks
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Describes, compares and orders durations of events, and reads half- and quarter-hour time
Sequences events and reads hour time on clocks
Describes, compares and orders durations of events, and reads half- and quarter-hour time