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Endothermic/Exothermic - Demonstration

Endothermic/Exothermic - Demonstration
View Curriculum Codes   

A teacher sheet explaining the preparation and methodology of the experiment students do as part of Lesson 4. 

This activity helps illustrate how heat energy can be created (or absorbed) as part of a chemical reaction.

Lesson Structure
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9E3LA01 9

Understand that cooperation with others depends on shared understanding of social conventions, including turn-taking language, which vary according to the degree of formality

AC9M3ST01 9

Acquire data for categorical and discrete numerical variables to address a question of interest or purpose by observing, collecting and accessing data sets; record the data using appropriate methods including frequency tables and spreadsheets

AC9S3U03 9

Identify sources of heat energy and examine how temperature changes when heat energy is transferred from one object to another

AC9M3M01 9

Identify which metric units are used to measure everyday items; use measurements of familiar items and known units to make estimates

AC9S3H02 9

Consider how people use scientific explanations to meet a need or solve a problem

AC9E3LY02 9

Use interaction skills to contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas

AC9S3I01 9

Pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations

AC9M3M02 9

Measure and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity, and instruments with labelled markings

AC9S3I03 9

Follow procedures to make and record observations, including making formal measurements using familiar scaled instruments and using digital tools as appropriate

AC9S3I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate findings and ideas for identified purposes and audiences, using scientific vocabulary and digital tools as appropriate

AC9E3LA10 9

Extend topic-specific and technical vocabulary and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts

AC9S3I05 9

Compare findings with those of others, consider if investigations were fair, identify questions for further investigation and draw conclusions

AC9S3I04 9

Construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns

AC9S3I02 9

Use provided scaffolds to plan and conduct investigations to answer questions or test predictions, including identifying the elements of fair tests, and considering the safe use of materials and equipment

ACMMG061 8.4

Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity

ACSIS054 8.4

With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment

ACELA1476 8.4

Understand that successful cooperation with others depends on shared use of social conventions, including turn-taking patterns, and forms of address that vary according to the degree of formality in social situations

ACSIS057 8.4

Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends

ACSIS215 8.4

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings

ACSIS058 8.4

Reflect on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not

ACSIS060 8.4

Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations

ACSIS053 8.4

With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge

ACELA1484 8.4

Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs

ACSHE051 8.4

Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions

ACSSU049 8.4

Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another

ACELY1676 8.4

Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations

ACELY1792 8.4

Use interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume

ACMSP070 8.4

Interpret and compare data displays

ACSIS055 8.4

Consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately

ST2-6MW-S old

Describes how adding or removing heat causes a change of state

EN2-1A old

Communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts

ST2-11DI-T old

Describes how digital systems represent and transmit data

ST2-3DP-T old

Defines problems, describes and follows algorithms to develop solutions

ST2-5LW-T old

Describes how agricultural processes are used to grow plants and raise animals for food, clothing and shelter

EN2-9B old

Uses effective and accurate sentence structure, grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

ST2-4LW-S old

Compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things

ST2-7MW-T old

Investigates the suitability of natural and processed materials for a range of purposes

ST2-10ES-S old

Investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes to the Earth’s surface

EN2-6B old

Identifies the effect of purpose and audience on spoken texts, distinguishes between different forms of English and identifies organisational patterns and features

ST2-9PW-ST old

Describes how contact and non-contact forces affect an object’s motion

ST2-8PW-ST old

Describes the characteristics and effects of common forms of energy, such as light and heat

ST2-2DP-T old

Selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

ST2-1WS-S old

Questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations

MA2-18SP old

Selects appropriate methods to collect data, and constructs, compares, interprets and evaluates data displays, including tables, picture graphs and column graphs

MA2-1WM old

Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas

MA2-2WM old

Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems

MA2-3WM old

Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used

MA2-9MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths, distances and perimeters in metres, centimetres and millimetres, and measures, compares and records temperatures

MA2-11MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates volumes and capacities using litres, millilitres and cubic centimetres

MA2-12MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using kilograms and grams

MA2-DATA-02 new

Iinterprets data in tables, dot plots and column graphs

MA2-DATA-01 new

Collects discrete data and constructs graphs using a given scale

MA2-NSM-01 new

Estimates, measures and compares the masses of objects using kilograms and grams

MA2-3DS-02 new

Estimates, measures and compares capacities (internal volumes) using litres, millilitres and volumes using cubic centimetres

MA2-3DS-01 new

Makes and sketches models and nets of three-dimensional objects including prisms and pyramids

MA2-2DS-03 new

Estimates, measures and compares areas using square centimetres and square metres

MA2-2DS-02 new

Performs transformations by combining and splitting two-dimensional shapes

MA2-2DS-01 new

Compares two-dimensional shapes and describes their features

MA2-GM-03 new

Identifies angles and classifies them by comparing to a right angle

MA2-GM-02 new

Measures and estimates lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres

MA2-GM-01 new

Uses grid maps and directional language to locate positions and follow routes

MA2-PF-01 new

Represents and compares halves, quarters, thirds and fifths as lengths on a number line and their related fractions formed by halving (eighths, sixths and tenths)

EN2-RECOM-01 new

Reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension

EN2-VOCAB-01 new

Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words

EN2-OLC-01 new

Communicates with familiar audiences for social and learning purposes, by interacting, understanding and presenting


Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to find answers to questions including consideration of the elements of fair tests


Use a range of methods including tables and column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends


Understand that successful cooperation with others depends on shared use of social conventions, including turn-taking patterns, and forms of address that vary according to the degree of formality in social situations


Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings


Use formal measurements in the collection and recording of observations


Reflect on an investigation, including whether a test was fair or not


Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs


Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings to show patterns and relationships using formal and informal scientific language


Safely use appropriate materials, tools, equipment and technologies


With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge


Science knowledge helps people to understand the effects of their actions


Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations and use interaction skills, including active listening and clear, coherent communications


Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another; a change in the temperature of an object is related to the gain or loss of heat by the object


Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, area, mass and capacity


Interpret and compare data displays

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