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Gravity - Worksheet

Gravity - Worksheet
Science Physical Sciences
View Curriculum Codes   

This worksheet allows students to demonstrate their understanding of gravity and the different objects that will be affected by gravity.

Suitable for
  • Relief Teachers
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9S1I04 9

Sort and order data and information and represent patterns, including with provided tables and visual or physical models

AC9S1U03 9

Describe pushes and pulls in terms of strength and direction and predict the effect of these forces on objects’ motion and shape

ACSSU033 8.4

A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape

ACSIS027 8.4

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables and through discussion, compare observations with predictions


The way objects move depends on a variety of factors including their size and shape: a push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape


Use a range of methods, including drawings and provided tables, to sort information

STe-1WS-S old

Observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas

STe-2DP-T old

Develops solutions to an identified need

STe-5PW-ST old

Observes the way objects move and relates changes in motion to push and pull forces

ST1-1WS-S old

Observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas

ST1-2DP-T old

Uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

ST1-4LW-S old

Describes observable features of living things and their environments

ST1-5LW-T old

Identifies how plants and animals are used for food and fibre products

ST1-8PW-S old

Describes common forms of energy and explores some characteristics of sound energy

ST1-9PW-ST old

Investigates how forces and energy are used in products

ST1-10ES-S old

Recognises observable changes occurring in the sky and on the land and identifies Earth’s resources

ST1-3DP-T old

Describes, follows and represents algorithms to solve problems

ST1-11DI-T old

Identifies the components of digital systems and explores how data is represented

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