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History Detectives Flash Cards

History Detectives Flash Cards
View Curriculum Codes   

The History Detective FlashCards were created by request for middle and upper primary students learning about Australian history.

Curriculum Codes

AC9HS5K02 9

The impact of the development of British colonies in Australia on the lives of First Nations Australians, the colonists and convicts, and on the natural environment

ACHASSK108 8.4

The impact of a significant development or event on an Australian colony


The effects of a significant development or event on a colony

HT3-1 old

Describes and explains the significance of people, groups, places and events to the development of Australia

HT3-2 old

Describes and explains different experiences of people living in Australia over time

HT3-3 old

Identifies change and continuity and describes the causes and effects of change on Australian society

HT3-4 old

Describes and explains the struggles for rights and freedoms in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

HT3-5 old

Applies a variety of skills of historical inquiry and communication

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