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List Commas Assessment

List Commas Assessment
View Curriculum Codes   

Use this task to assess student learning from the Year 2 Proper Nouns and List Commas unit. There are 5 questions for students to complete based on the content covered throughout this unit. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of when to use proper nouns and list commas. The task is concise and self guided, perfect for younger students.

Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9E2LA10 9

Recognise that capital letters are used in titles and commas are used to separate items in lists

ACELA1465 8.4

Recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns and commas are used to separate items in lists

EN1-9B old

Uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

EN1-OLC-01 new

Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions

EN1-REFLU-01 new

Sustains reading unseen texts with automaticity and prosody and self-corrects errors


Recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns and commas are used to separate items in lists

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