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Making Musical Instruments Teacher Sheet

Making Musical Instruments Teacher Sheet
Science Physical Sciences
View Curriculum Codes   

This worksheet has been created to support lesson 5 of the Hearing Sounds Unit. It allows students to consolidate their knowledge by working through unit’s content using the Science Inquiry skills outlined in the national curriculum.

This worksheet is part of a larger unit available on Teach This.

Curriculum Codes

AC9S2I03 9

Make and record observations, including informal measurements, using digital tools as appropriate

AC9S2I02 9

Suggest and follow safe procedures to investigate questions and test predictions

AC9S2U02 9

Explore different actions to make sounds and how to make a variety of sounds, and recognise that sound energy causes objects to vibrate

AC9S2I05 9

Compare observations with predictions and others’ observations, consider if investigations are fair and identify further questions with guidance

AC9S2I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate observations, findings and ideas, using everyday and scientific vocabulary

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