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Measure It and Make It

Measure It and Make It
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In 'Measure It and Make It', students use MAB blocks to compare the areas of shapes.

Curriculum Codes

AC9M4M01 9

Interpret unmarked and partial units when measuring and comparing attributes of length, mass, capacity, duration and temperature, using scaled and digital instruments and appropriate units

AC9M2M01 9

Measure and compare objects based on length, capacity and mass using appropriate uniform informal units and smaller units for accuracy when necessary

ACMMG037 8.4

Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units

ACMMG290 8.4

Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume

MA2-1WM old

Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas

MA2-12MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using kilograms and grams

MA2-11MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates volumes and capacities using litres, millilitres and cubic centimetres

MA2-10MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates areas using square centimetres and square metres

MA2-9MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths, distances and perimeters in metres, centimetres and millimetres, and measures, compares and records temperatures

MA1-1WM old

Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols

MA1-3WM old

Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained

MA1-9MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, metres and centimetres

MA1-10MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates areas using uniform informal units

MA1-2WM old

Uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems

MA1-11MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates volumes and capacities using uniform informal units

MA1-12MG old

Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using uniform informal units

MA2-3WM old

Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used

MA2-2WM old

Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems

MA2-NSM-02 new

Estimates, measures and compares the masses of objects using kilograms and grams

MA1-2DS-02 new

Measures and compares areas using uniform informal units in rows and columns

MA1-GM-02 new

Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, as well as metres and centimetres

MA1-3DS-02 new

Measures, records, compares and estimates internal volumes (capacities) and volumes using uniform informal units

MA1-NSM-01 new

Measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using uniform informal units

MA2-GM-01 new

Uses grid maps and directional language to locate positions and follow routes

MA2-GM-02 new

Measures and estimates lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres

MA2-GM-03 new

Identifies angles and classifies them by comparing to a right angle

MA2-2DS-01 new

Compares two-dimensional shapes and describes their features

MA2-2DS-02 new

Performs transformations by combining and splitting two-dimensional shapes

MA2-2DS-03 new

Estimates, measures and compares areas using square centimetres and square metres

MA2-3DS-01 new

Makes and sketches models and nets of three-dimensional objects including prisms and pyramids

MA2-3DS-02 new

Estimates, measures and compares capacities (internal volumes) using litres, millilitres and volumes using cubic centimetres

MA2-NSM-01 new

Estimates, measures and compares the masses of objects using kilograms and grams


Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures


Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume


Compare masses of objects using balance scales


Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units

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Posted 2 years ago
This was really enjoyed by my students. They were engaged and it was a great way to consolidate their learning of area.