Equip students with this handy reference card to aid in decoding and encoding multisyllabic words. With clear prompts based on phonological and morphological knowledge, students can confidently tackle unfamiliar words. Ideal for pasting into English books, this resource empowers students in their literacy journey.
Understand how to use and apply phonological and morphological knowledge to read and write multisyllabic words with more complex letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds and known prefixes and suffixes
Understand how to use phonic knowledge to read and write multisyllabic words with more complex letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds and known prefixes and suffixes
Uses a range of strategies, including knowledge of letter– sound correspondences and common letter patterns, to spell familiar and some unfamiliar words
Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words
Reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension
Selects, applies and describes appropriate phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling in a range of contexts
Sustains independent reading with accuracy, automaticity, rate and prosody suited to purpose, audience and meaning
Understand how to use phonic generalisations to identify and write words with more complex letter combinations