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My Emergency Kit Display - Worksheet

My Emergency Kit Display - Worksheet
View Curriculum Codes   

Students will identify items that they should include in their household Emergency Kit to ensure safety in emergencies and weather conditions.

This forms part of the Year 1 Earth and Space Sciences Unit - The Sky and Landscape.

Suitable for
  • Parents
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
Curriculum Codes


Identify health symbols, messages and strategies in their community that support their health and safety

AC9S1U02 9

Describe daily and seasonal changes in the environment and explore how these changes affect everyday life.

ACPPS006 8.4

Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing

ACSSU019 8.4

Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape


Identify people and actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy


Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing


Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape; daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life

PDe-2 old

Identifies people and demonstrates protective strategies that help keep themselves healthy, resilient and safe

PDe-6 old

Explores contextual factors that influence an individual’s health, safety, wellbeing and

PDe-7 old

Identifies actions that promote health, safety, wellbeing and physically active spaces

PDe-8 old

Explores how regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy

PDe-9 old

Practises self-management skills in familiar and unfamiliar scenarios

PDe-10 old

Uses interpersonal skills to effectively interact with others

ST1-1WS-S old

Observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas

ST1-10ES-S old

Recognises observable changes occurring in the sky and on the land and identifies Earth’s resources

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