These Part Part Whole Cards are a versatile resource that can be used individually, in small group or whole class settings. They feature numerous representations of numbers, and give students plenty of practise with the core skills of part part whole. Students will identify missing parts, identify the whole, and partition collections.
Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings
Uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems
Uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions
Counts to 30, and orders, reads and represents numbers in the range 0 to 20
Represents the relations between the parts that form the whole, with numbers up to 10
Partition and combine collections up to 10 using part-part-whole relationships and subitising to recognise and name the parts
Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences and solve using part-part-whole reasoning and a variety of calculation strategies
Recall and demonstrate proficiency with addition facts to 20; extend and apply facts to develop related subtraction facts
Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond
Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond