Your students will love completing this poetry task as they add their own rhyming words to create their very own version of this funny pirate poem.
Have students perform their poem for the class or publish and combine them into a class book of Pirate poetry.
Explore how repetition, rhyme and rhythm create cohesion in simple poems, chants and songs
Listen to and discuss poems, chants, rhymes and songs, and imitate and invent sound patterns including alliteration and rhyme
Understand patterns of repetition and contrast in simple texts
Listen to, recite and perform poems, chants, rhymes and songs, imitating and inventing sound patterns including alliteration and rhyme
Draws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies
Recognises a range of purposes and audiences for spoken language and recognises organisational patterns and features of predictable spoken texts
Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions
Understands and effectively uses Tier 1, taught Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary to extend and elaborate ideas
Understands and responds to literature by creating texts using similar structures, intentional language choices and features appropriate to audience and purpose
Some students may benefit working in a small teacher-led group.
Students can think of additional pirate names and rhyming sentences to add to their poem.