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Positional Maths Language Matching Game

Positional Maths Language Matching Game
View Curriculum Codes   

The 'Positional Maths Language Matching Game' has been developed to help students connect the meanings of positional descriptions with the visual representation. 


This is activity is also suitable for speech-language development and ESL students. Photograph each student's completed work with their name card as a record of assessment.

Curriculum Codes


Describe the position and location of themselves and objects in relation to other people and objects within a familiar space

ACMMG010 8.4

Describe position and movement

MAe-1WM old

Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings

MAe-16MG old

Describes position and gives and follows simple directions using everyday language

MAE-GM-01 new

Describes position and gives and follows simple directions


Describe position and movement


Follow a short sequence of instructions

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