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Spelling Rules- Quiz

Spelling Rules- Quiz
English Phonic & Word Knowledge
View Curriculum Codes   

This quiz is a great way for students to demonstrate their understanding of spelling generalisations used when adding suffixes to base words. The quiz contains 20 questions focussing on the following:

  1. -ed
  2. -ing
  3. Words ending in ‘y’
  4. Words ending in ’e’

This resource is part of a larger unit of work, Year 4- Spelling Rules.

Suitable for
  • Relief Teachers
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

EN2-5A old

Uses a range of strategies, including knowledge of letter– sound correspondences and common letter patterns, to spell familiar and some unfamiliar words

EN2-VOCAB-01 new

Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words

EN2-REFLU-01 new

Sustains independent reading with accuracy, automaticity, rate and prosody suited to purpose, audience and meaning

EN2-RECOM-01 new

Reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension

EN2-SPELL-01 new

Selects, applies and describes appropriate phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling in a range of contexts

AC9E4LY10 9

Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns, including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphological word families, common prefixes and suffixes, and word origins, to spell more complex words

ACELA1779 8.4

Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphemic word families, common prefixes and suffixes and word origins to spell more complex words


Understand how to use spelling patterns and generalisations including syllabification, letter combinations including double letters, and morphemic knowledge to build word families

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