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Storybook Adventure Map

Storybook Adventure Map
View Curriculum Codes   

Embark on a journey through the Storybook Adventure Map, a whimsical guide to the realms of storytelling. Navigate Character Cove, Setting Summit, and more, discovering the diverse landscapes and elements of narrative craft. Collect stamps in your passport as you explore each destination, fostering creativity and imagination along the way.

We recommend using this resource alongside our ‘Storybook Passport’.

Lesson Structure
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes


Respond to stories and share feelings and thoughts about their events and characters

AC9E1LY03 9

Describe some similarities and differences between imaginative, informative and persuasive texts

AC9E1LA03 9

Explore how texts are organised according to their purpose, such as to recount, narrate, express opinion, inform, report and explain

AC9E1LE03 9

Discuss plot, character and setting, which are features of stories

AC9E2LE01 9

Discuss how characters and settings are connected in literature created by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors and illustrators

AC9E1LY01 9

Discuss different texts and identify some features that indicate their purposes


Identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts


Understand that texts can take many forms such as signs, books and digital texts

AC9E2LA03 9

Identify how texts across the curriculum are organised differently and use language features depending on purposes

AC9E1LE01 9

Discuss how language and images are used to create characters, settings and events in literature by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors and illustrators


Identify some familiar texts, such as stories and informative texts, and their purpose

AC9E2LE02 9

Identify features of literary texts, such as characters and settings, and give reasons for personal preferences


Recognise different types of literary texts and identify features including events, characters, and beginnings and endings

AC9E2LE03 9

Discuss the characters and settings of a range of texts and identify how language is used to present these features in different ways

ACELT1785 8.4

Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry

ACELT1578 8.4

Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text

ACELT1591 8.4

Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways

ACELT1590 8.4

Identify aspects of different types of literary texts that entertain, and give reasons for personal preferences

ACELT1587 8.4

Discuss how depictions of characters in print, sound and images reflect the contexts in which they were created

ACELT1783 8.4

Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts

ACELY1645 8.4

Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used

ACELA1463 8.4

Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose

ACELY1648 8.4

Identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts

ACELY1658 8.4

Describe some differences between imaginative informative and persuasive texts

ACELY1655 8.4

Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences

ACELT1577 8.4

Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators

ACELT1584 8.4

Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts

ACELA1447 8.4

Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways

ACELT1581 8.4

Discuss how authors create characters using language and images

ACELA1430 8.4

Understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes

ENe-7B old

Recognises some different purposes for writing and that own texts differ in various ways

EN1-11D old

Responds to and composes a range of texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences

EN1-7B old

Identifies how language use in their own writing differs according to their purpose, audience and subject matter

ENe-10C old

Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, simple ideas and the basic features of texts when responding to and composing texts

ENe-8B old

Demonstrates emerging skills and knowledge of texts to read and view, and shows developing awareness of purpose, audience and subject matter

ENE-UARL-01 new

Understands and responds to literature read to them

ENE-PRINT-01 new

Tracks written text from left to right and from top to bottom of the page and identifies visual and spatial features of print

ENE-OLC-01 new

Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language with familiar peers and adults

EN1-UARL-01 new

Understands and responds to literature by creating texts using similar structures, intentional language choices and features appropriate to audience and purpose

EN1-OLC-01 new

Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions

ENE-RECOM-01 new

Comprehends independently read texts using background knowledge, word knowledge and understanding of how sentences connect


Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways


Discuss how authors create characters using language and images


Understand that texts can take many forms, and that imaginative and informative texts have different purposes


Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and compare some features of characters in different texts


Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators


Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences


Identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts


Describe some differences between imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, and identify the audience of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts


Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used


Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose


Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts


Discuss how depictions of characters in print, sound and images reflect the contexts in which they were created


Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts


Identify aspects of different types of literary texts that entertain, and give reasons for personal preferences


Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text


Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways