This classroom display features 5 super 'W' questions students should ensure they have answered when constructing texts.
Orally retell or adapt a familiar story using plot and characters, language features including vocabulary, and structure of a familiar text, through role-play, writing, drawing or digital tools
Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive written and/or multimodal texts for familiar audiences, using text structure appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences, noun groups and verb groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable words
Plan, create, rehearse and deliver short oral and/or multimodal presentations to inform, express opinions or tell stories, using a clear structure, details to elaborate ideas, topic-specific and precise vocabulary, visual features, and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume
Discuss plot, character and setting, which are features of stories
Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, writing, performance and digital forms of communication
Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts
Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose
Plan and deliver short presentations, providing some key details in logical sequence
Plans, composes and reviews a small range of simple texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers and viewers
Identifies the effect of purpose and audience on spoken texts, distinguishes between different forms of English and identifies organisational patterns and features
Composes texts using letters of consistent size and slope and uses digital technologies
Identifies how language use in their own writing differs according to their purpose, audience and subject matter
Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts
Identifies and describes how ideas are represented in literature and strategically uses similar representations when creating texts
Understands and effectively uses Tier 1, taught Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary to extend and elaborate ideas
Plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes, including paragraphs, using knowledge of vocabulary, text features and sentence structure
Applies phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling words in a range of writing contexts
Uses initial and extended phonics, including vowel digraphs, trigraphs to decode and encode words when reading and creating texts
Uses a legible, fluent and automatic handwriting style, and digital technology, including word-processing applications, when creating texts
Understands and responds to literature by creating texts using similar structures, intentional language choices and features appropriate to audience and purpose
Communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions
Communicates with familiar audiences for social and learning purposes, by interacting, understanding and presenting
Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words
Plans, creates and revises written texts for imaginative purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
Plans, creates and revises written texts for informative purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
Plans, creates and revises written texts for persuasive purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
Selects, applies and describes appropriate phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling in a range of contexts
Uses digital technologies to create texts
Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and compare some features of characters in different texts
Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, writing, performance and digital forms of communication
Build on familiar texts by using similar characters, repetitive patterns or vocabulary
Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose
Reread and edit text for spelling, sentence-boundary punctuation and text structure
Construct texts featuring print, visual and audio elements using software, including word processing programs
Plan and deliver short presentations, providing some key details in logical sequence, using appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume