This fun and engaging game will have students manipulating phonemes without even realising! Students are required to delete and substitute the initial phoneme of words to create new words. This resource is part of a larger unit on work for Blending and Segmenting- Year 2.
Laminate for multiple uses.
Manipulate more complex sounds in spoken words and use knowledge of blending, segmenting, phoneme deletion and phoneme substitution to read and write words
Orally manipulate more complex sounds in spoken words through knowledge of blending and segmenting sounds, phoneme deletion and substitution in combination with use of letters in reading and writing
Draws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies
Uses initial and extended phonics, including vowel digraphs, trigraphs to decode and encode words when reading and creating texts
Applies phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling words in a range of writing contexts
Have students record their matching spelling to target spelling.