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Time to the Minute - Student Reference Card

Time to the Minute - Student Reference Card
View Curriculum Codes   

This card is designed to be used as a reference for students during the Year 3 time unit.

It is part of a larger unit that was created to help students understand reading analogue clocks in minute and 5 minute intervals.

Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9M3M03 9

Recognise and use the relationship between formal units of time including days, hours, minutes and seconds to estimate and compare the duration of events

AC9M3M04 9

Describe the relationship between the hours and minutes on analog and digital clocks, and read the time to the nearest minute

ACMMG062 8.4

Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time


Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time

MA2-1WM old

Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas

MA2-13MG old

Reads and records time in one-minute intervals and converts between hours, minutes and seconds

MA2-NSM-02 new

Estimates, measures and compares the masses of objects using kilograms and grams

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