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Translating Pictographs

Translating Pictographs
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Translating Pictographs allows students to apply their knowledge of translating data from one type of graph to another.
Students interpret the completed pictograph and then translate it into a tally chart. The open-ended questions allow for comparing and discussing the findings of the data.

Suitable for
  • Relief Teachers
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Rotations / Group Work
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

MA1-1WM old

Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols

MA1-3WM old

Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained

MA1-17SP old

Gathers and organises data, displays data in lists, tables and picture graphs, and interprets the results

MA1-DATA-01 new

Gathers and organises data, displays data in lists, tables and picture graphs

MA1-DATA-02 new

Reasons about representations of data to describe and interpret the results

AC9M1ST02 9

Represent collected data for a categorical variable using one-to-one displays and digital tools where appropriate; compare the data using frequencies and discuss the findings

ACMSP263 8.4

Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays


Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays



Provide scaffolded questions about the pictograph to help prompt students’ findings from the data. 

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