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Visual Literacy - Question Cards

Visual Literacy - Question Cards
View Curriculum Codes   

This unit was designed to help students understand how images can extend the meaning of texts they read. It explores the skills associated with visual literacy and provides a presentation, visual display, student  reference card, worksheets, activities, quiz and an assessment for students to practice and demonstrate their understanding of these skills. 

Curriculum Codes

AC9E3LA09 9

Identify how images extend the meaning of a text

ACELA1483 8.4

Identify the effect on audiences of techniques, for example shot size, vertical camera angle and layout in picture books, advertisements and film segments

EN2-8B old

Identifies and compares different kinds of texts when reading and viewing and shows an understanding of purpose, audience and subject matter

EN2-OLC-01 new

Communicates with familiar audiences for social and learning purposes, by interacting, understanding and presenting

EN2-VOCAB-01 new

Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words

EN2-RECOM-01 new

Reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension


Identify the effect on audiences of techniques, including shot size, vertical camera angle and layout in picture books, advertisements and film segments

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