Students will identify outcomes of familiar weather events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’.
This activity forms part of the Year 1 Earth and Space Sciences Unit - The Sky and Landscape.
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Recognises and describes the element of chance in everyday events
Observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas
Recognises observable changes occurring in the sky and on the land and identifies Earth’s resources
Recognises and describes the element of chance in everyday events
Records and compares the results of chance experiments
Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’
Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible’
Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape; daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life
Identify practical activities and everyday events involving chance; describe possible outcomes and events as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible’ explaining reasoning
Describe daily and seasonal changes in the environment and explore how these changes affect everyday life.
Identify outcomes of familiar events involving Probability (Chance) and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’
Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape