A fun, low-preparation game, that is designed to assist younger students with comparing numbers to 10. Beautifully designed in various story book themes.
Perfect to use for Maths rotations and fast finishers. Encourage students to use the words ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘same as’.
Name, represent and order numbers including zero to at least 20, using physical and virtual materials and numerals
Quantify and compare collections to at least 20 using counting and explain or demonstrate reasoning
Compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning
Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings
Uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems
Uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions
Counts to 30, and orders, reads and represents numbers in the range 0 to 20
Reads numerals and represents whole numbers to at least 20
Reasons about number relations to model addition and subtraction by combining and separating, and comparing collections