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Year 5 History Word Search

Year 5 History Word Search
Title Pages
HASS History
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This worksheet was created as part of a larger Year 5 History unit designed to cover the history up to federation, including:

  • Early First Nations history
  • Captain Cook and the First Fleet
  • Early colony and convict life
  • The Frontier Wars
  • The gold rush
  • Bushrangers
  • Eureka Stockade
Suitable for
  • Fast Finishers
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Rotations / Group Work
Curriculum Codes

AC9HS5K01 9

The economic, political and social causes of the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800

AC9HS5K02 9

The impact of the development of British colonies in Australia on the lives of First Nations Australians, the colonists and convicts, and on the natural environment

AC9HS5K03 9

The role of a significant individual or group, including First Nations Australians and those who migrated to Australia, in the development of events in an Australian colony

ACHASSK106 8.4

Reasons (economic, political and social) for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800

ACHASSK108 8.4

The impact of a significant development or event on an Australian colony

ACHASSK107 8.4

The nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced patterns of development, aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants (including Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples) and how the environment changed

ACHASSK110 8.4

The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping a colony

ACHASSK109 8.4

The reasons people migrated to Australia and the experiences and contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony


The social, economic and political causes and reasons for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800


The effects of a significant development or event on a colony


The nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced changing patterns of development, how the environment changed, and aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples


Explain the causes of significant events that shaped the Australian colonies, contributed to Australian Federation and the effects of these on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and migrants


Identify and describe patterns of continuity and change in daily life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, ‘native born’ and migrants in the Australian colonies


Identify the origin, content features and the purpose of historical sources and describe the context of these sources when explaining daily life in colonial Australia, reasons for migration and causes and effects of Federation


The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping and changing a colony


The causes and the reasons why people migrated to Australia from Europe and Asia, and the perspectives, experiences and contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony


Sequence significant events and lifetimes of people in chronological order to create a narrative to explain the developments in Australia’s colonial past and the causes and effects of Federation on its people


Explain the significance of an event and an individual or group that influenced change in the Australian colonies and in Australian society since Federation

HT3-1 old

Describes and explains the significance of people, groups, places and events to the development of Australia

HT3-2 old

Describes and explains different experiences of people living in Australia over time

HT3-5 old

Applies a variety of skills of historical inquiry and communication

HT3-3 old

Identifies change and continuity and describes the causes and effects of change on Australian society

HT3-4 old

Describes and explains the struggles for rights and freedoms in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples