This unit is based on the Year 3 Australian Curriculum HASS Inquiry Skills, Knowledge and Understandings. Students explore the boundaries of Australia both pre and post-European settlement. They compare the two and discuss the implication of settlement on indigenous boundaries. They investigate how oral communication is used to convey indigenous stories about the creation of natural landmarks, as well as how songs were used as a type of map. Students learn some of the natural and manmade features of Australia and use digital technologies to locate these on a map of Australia. They research and create an information report on a natural feature of Australia.
Pose questions to investigate people, events, places and issues
Locate and collect information and data from different sources, including observations
Sequence information about people’s lives and events
Examine information to identify different points of view and distinguish facts from opinions
Interpret data and information displayed in different formats, to identify and describe distributions and simple patterns
Draw simple conclusions based on analysis of information and data
Interact with others with respect to share points of view
Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms
The representation of Australia as states and territories and as Countries/Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; and major places in Australia, both natural and human
The similarities and differences between places in terms of their type of settlement, demographic characteristics and the lives of the people who live there, and people’s perceptions of these places
Applies skills of historical inquiry and communication
Acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry
Examines features and characteristics of places and environments
Examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments
Collect and record relevant geographical data and information from the field and other sources
Identify the origin and content features of primary sources when describing the significance of people, places and events
Interpret maps and other geographical data and information to develop identifications, descriptions, explanations and conclusions, using geographical terminology including simple grid references, compass direction and distance
Representation of Australia as states and territories, and Australia’s major natural and human characteristics
Similarities and differences between places in terms of their type of settlement, demographic characteristics and the lives of the people who live there
In this unit students will explore the following concepts;