This unit is based on the Foundation Australian Curriculum HASS Inquiry Skills, Knowledge and Understandings for Geography. In this unit students will learn to explain why places are special and explore caring for special places. They will explore special places in school, whilst using locational language. They will use the 5 senses to observe the features of a place and how they feel about places. Students will continue to strengthen their mapping skills, creating a bird’s eye view map of a special place and its features. They will discuss how to care for special places such as different ways to care for school. As part of the inquiry students will design a poster to describe how to care for a special place from within the school. They will then use the skills learnt in this unit to discuss and make suggestions on how to care for their home. 

7 x 1 hour lessons
Cross curriculum
22x resources/worksheets
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Australian Curriculum - (QLD/SA/WA/NT/TAS/ACT)


The features of familiar places they belong to, why some places are special and how places can be looked after


The representation of the location of places and their features on simple maps and models


The places people live in and belong to, their familiar features and why they are important to people


The reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked after



Identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people


Communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools



Representation of the location of places and their features on maps and models, including a globe, and the location of the major geographical divisions of the world in relation to Australia


Reasons why some places are special and some places are important to people and how they can be looked after


Identify how people are connected to different places


The key concepts in this unit include:

  • Why places are special.
  • Caring for special places e.g. school and home.
  • Special places in school, whilst using locational language.
  • Observe features of a place (5 senses).
  • Mapping – bird’s eye view map and its features.
Learning Intention
  • We are learning to identify the places we live in and belong to, e.g. neighbourhood, suburb, town and describe why these places are important.
  • We are learning to create story maps or models to represent the location of places and features.
  • We are learning to identify the places we live in and belong to, e.g. neighbourhood, suburb, town, and describe the features of these places.
  • We are learning to understand the reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked after.
Linked Resources & Activities