In this worksheet, further explore the relationship between area and perimeter by trying to find the box with an area of 25m2 that will have the largest perimeter. It then becomes and exploration of data and tables, and can even be turned into a graph that will introduce parabolic lines. This resource is part of a larger unit where students are introduced to the concept of calculating the area
of rectangles and triangles, using metric units.
Establish the formula for the area of a rectangle and use it to solve practical problems
Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths and areas using appropriate units
Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths and areas using appropriate units
Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions
Selects and applies appropriate problem- solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations
Gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another
Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances, calculates perimeters, and converts between units of length
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of squares, rectangles and triangles
Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances including perimeters
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of rectangles
Combines, splits and rearranges shapes to determine the area of parallelograms and triangles