Students are challenged to create a list of Australian places and landmarks. This activity can be used in conjunction with performing online searches or students can search through books available in the classroom. They may choose to work in teams or pairs to encourage socialising as a new class.
Collect, sort and record information and data from observations and from sources provided, including unscaled timelines and labelled maps or models
A local individual, group, place or building and the reasons for their importance, including social, cultural or spiritual significance
Collect data and information from observations and identify information and data from sources provided
The history of a significant person, building, site and/or part of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past
Collect and record relevant geographical data and information from the field and secondary sources, using ethical protocols
The history of a significant person, building, site or part of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past