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Capacity Cards

Capacity Cards
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The Capacity Cards were designed to help students connect volume and capacity and support upper primary group work involving measurement of the capacity of a variety of common household containers. 

Suitable for
  • Parents
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Rotations / Group Work
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9M5M01 9

Choose appropriate metric units when measuring the length, mass and capacity of objects; use smaller units or a combination of units to obtain a more accurate measure

AC9M6M01 9

Convert between common metric units of length, mass and capacity; choose and use decimal representations of metric measurements relevant to the context of a problem

ACMMG108 8.4

Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass

ACMMG138 8.4

Connect volume and capacity and their units of measurement


Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass


Connect decimal representations to the metric system


Convert between common metric units of length, mass and capacity


Connect volume and capacity and their units of measurement

MA3-1WM old

Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions

MA3-3WM old

Gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another

MA3-9MG old

Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances, calculates perimeters, and converts between units of length

MA3-10MG old

Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of squares, rectangles and triangles

MA3-11MG old

Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities, and converts between units of capacity

MA3-12MG old

Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure the masses of objects, and converts between units of mass

MA3-2WM old

Selects and applies appropriate problem- solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations

MA3-RN-01 new

Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent the properties of numbers

MA3-RN-02 new

Compares and orders decimals up to 3 decimal places

MA3-RN-03 new

Determines percentages of quantities, and finds equivalent fractions and decimals for benchmark percentage values

MA3-GM-02 new

Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances including perimeters

MA3-3DS-02 new

Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities

MA3-NSM-01 new

Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure the masses of objects

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