Master Division with the Fun and Engaging Division Dial Owl Activity (Standard and Challenging Sets)Enhance your students’ division skills with the Division Dial Owl Activity, a hands-on learning resource that combines fun and mastery of mathematical concepts. Designed for versatility, this package includes two differentiated sets: a standard set for foundational practise and a challenging set to extend learning for more advanced students.
Multiply and divide decimals by multiples of powers of 10 without a calculator, applying knowledge of place value and proficiency with multiplication facts; using estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers
Solve problems involving division, choosing efficient strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret any remainder according to the context and express results as a whole number, decimal or fraction
Express natural numbers as products of their factors, recognise multiples and determine if one number is divisible by another
Develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder
Solve problems involving multiplying or dividing natural numbers by multiples and powers of 10 without a calculator, using the multiplicative relationship between the place value of digits
Multiply and divide one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences, diagrams and arrays, and using a variety of calculation strategies
Partition, rearrange, regroup and rename two- and three-digit numbers using standard and non-standard groupings; recognise the role of a zero digit in place value notation
Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder
Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder
Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10
Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting
Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without digital technologies
Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used
Selects and applies appropriate problem- solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations
Orders, reads and represents integers of any size and describes properties of whole numbers
Generalises properties of odd and even numbers, generates number patterns, and completes simple number sentences by calculating missing values
Uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two-, three-, four- and five-digit numbers
Gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another
Uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division
Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions
Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Applies place value, informally, to count, order, read and represent two- and three-digit numbers
Compares, orders and calculates with fractions, decimals and percentages
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than one operation
Compares and orders fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10
Determines 1/2, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/10 of measures and quantities
Reasons about representations of whole numbers to 1000, partitioning numbers to use and record quantity values
Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order two- and three-digit numbers
Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent numbers to at least tens of thousands
Represents and compares decimals up to 2 decimal places using place value
Constructs and completes number sentences involving multiplicative relations, applying the order of operations to calculations
Represents and uses the structure of multiplicative relations to 10 × 10 to solve problems
Completes number sentences involving multiplication and division by finding missing values
Selects and applies appropriate strategies to solve multiplication and division problems
Determines percentages of quantities, and finds equivalent fractions and decimals for benchmark percentage values
Compares and orders decimals up to 3 decimal places
Selects and uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving 2- and 3-digit numbers
Completes number sentences involving addition and subtraction by finding missing values
Represents and compares halves, quarters, thirds and fifths as lengths on a number line and their related fractions formed by halving (eighths, sixths and tenths)
Applies an understanding of place value and the role of zero to represent the properties of numbers
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder
Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder
Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems
Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts
Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10
Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without digital technologies