In this exciting game, students select grid references to hide the locations of battleships on their game board. They then take turns to try and locate and sink each other’s ships. A great way to help students understand and read grid references and plot them on grids. This game is part of a larger Year 3- Marvellous Mapping Unit.
Interpret and create two-dimensional representations of familiar environments, locating key landmarks and objects relative to each other
Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways
Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions
Uses grid maps and directional language to locate positions and follow routes
Measures and estimates lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres
Identifies angles and classifies them by comparing to a right angle
Compares two-dimensional shapes and describes their features
Performs transformations by combining and splitting two-dimensional shapes
Estimates, measures and compares areas using square centimetres and square metres