The Map of Australia with State Flags was created to support the Year 3 - 6 Geography Curriculum content.
The features of familiar places they belong to, why some places are special and how places can be looked after
The representation of contemporary Australia as states and territories, and as the Countries/Places of First Nations Australians prior to colonisation, and the locations of Australia’s neighbouring regions and countries
The representation of the location of places and their features on simple maps and models
The representation of Australia as states and territories and as Countries/Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; and major places in Australia, both natural and human
Representation of the location of places and their features on maps and models, including a globe, and the location of the major geographical divisions of the world in relation to Australia
Representation of Australia as states and territories, and Australia’s major natural and human characteristics
Identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people
Communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools
Examines features and characteristics of places and environments
Acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry