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Modality Desk Mat

Modality Desk Mat
View Curriculum Codes   

The Modality Desk Mat has been designed to act as a useful reference tool for students creating persuasive texts.

Suitable for
  • Parents
Lesson Structure
  • Individual Activity
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9E3LA02 9

Understand how the language of evaluation and emotion, such as modal verbs, can be varied to be more or less forceful

AC9E3LA10 9

Extend topic-specific and technical vocabulary and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts

AC9E6LE02 9

Identify similarities and differences in literary texts on similar topics, themes or plots

ACELA1477 8.4

Examine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forceful

ACELA1484 8.4

Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs

ACELT1615 8.4

Identify and explain how choices in language, for example modality, emphasis, repetition and metaphor, influence personal response to different texts

ACELA1536 8.4

Understand how modality is achieved through discriminating choices in modal verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns

EN2-7B old

Identifies and uses language forms and features in their own writing appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts

EN2-9B old

Uses effective and accurate sentence structure, grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

EN3-7C old

Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and ideas and identifies connections between texts when responding to and composing texts

EN3-6B old

Uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies

EN2-OLC-01 new

Communicates with familiar audiences for social and learning purposes, by interacting, understanding and presenting

EN2-VOCAB-01 new

Builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words

EN2-RECOM-01 new

Reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension

EN3-OLC-01 new

Communicates to wide audiences with social and cultural awareness, by interacting and presenting, and by analysing and evaluating for understanding

EN3-UARL-01 new

Analyses representations of ideas in literature through narrative, character, imagery, symbol and connotation, and adapts these representations when creating texts

EN3-UARL-02 new

Analyses representations of ideas in literature through genre and theme that reflect perspective and context, argument and authority, and adapts these representations when creating texts


Examine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forceful


Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs


Analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in texts on similar topics, themes or plots


Identify and explain how choices in language, including modality, emphasis, repetition and metaphor, influence personal response to different texts