This assessment task has been designed to use at the conclusion of the How We Spatially Represent Place Unit. Students will use the template to design and create their own travel brochure about their favourite Australian place. The brochure will include facts and pictures about that place, as well as mapping components that demonstrate the students’ ability to represent the location of that place on a local, state/territory, national and global scale.
Encourage students to create a draft of their information before adding it to the template. Print and copy the page of Australian States and Territory maps according to which state each student needs.
How places can be spatially represented in geographical divisions from local to regional to state/territory, and how people and places are interconnected across those scales
Discuss perspectives related to objects, people, places and events
Draw conclusions and make proposals
Collect, sort and record information and data from observations and from sources provided, including unscaled timelines and labelled maps or models
Develop narratives and share observations, using sources, and subject-specific terms
The way the world is represented in geographic divisions and the location of Australia in relation to these divisions
The idea that places are parts of Earth’s surface that have been named by people, and how places can be defined at a variety of scales
The connections of people in Australia to people in other places in Australia and across the world
The influence of purpose, distance and accessibility on the frequency with which people visit places
Collect data and information from observations and identify information and data from sources provided
Sort and record information and data, including location, in tables and on plans and labelled maps
Sequence familiar objects and events
Explore a point of view
Draw simple conclusions based on discussions, observations and information displayed in pictures and texts and on maps
Reflect on learning to propose how to care for places and sites that are important or significant
Present narratives, information and findings in oral, graphic and written forms using simple terms to denote the passing of time and to describe direction and location
Representation of the location of places and their features on maps and models, including a globe, and the location of the major geographical divisions of the world in relation to Australia
Definition of places as parts of the Earth’s surface that have been given meaning by people, and how places can be defined at a variety of scales
Connections of people in Australia to other places in Australia and across the world
Activities in the local place and reasons for their location, and the influence of purpose, distance and accessibility on the frequency with which people visit places
Describe and explain where places and activities are located
Collect and record relevant geographical data and information from the field and secondary sources, using ethical protocols
Represent data and the location of places and their features by constructing tables, plans and labelled maps
Collect and record geographical data and information from the field and other sources
Identify the content features of primary sources when describing the significance of people, places or events
Interpret data and information to draw conclusions and describe the direction and location of places, using terms such as north, south, opposite, near, far