This journey-planning activity helps students interpret timetables, calculate travel times, and justify route choices. Using a bus and train timetable, students map out journeys, calculate total duration, and explain their decisions, building practical skills in time management and timetable interpretation. Ideal for Year 6 maths lessons.
Interpret and use timetables and itineraries to plan activities and determine the duration of events and journeys
Interpret and use timetables
measure, calculate and compare elapsed time; interpret and use timetables and itineraries to plan activities and determine the duration of events and journeys
Interpret and use timetables
Measure, calculate and compare elapsed time
Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions
Selects and applies appropriate problem- solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations
Uses 24-hour time and am and pm notation in real-life situations, and constructs timelines
Measures and compares duration, using 12- and 24-hour time and am and pm notation