This resource identifies the properties of 15 individual 3D Objects clearly and has been designed as a colourful, yet functional, classroom resource.
Recognise, compare and classify shapes, referencing the number of sides and using spatial terms such as “opposite”, “parallel”, “curved” and “straight”
Make, compare and classify objects, identifying key features and explaining why these features make them suited to their uses
Sort, name and create familiar shapes; recognise and describe familiar shapes within objects in the environment, giving reasons
Make, compare and classify familiar shapes; recognise familiar shapes and objects in the environment, identifying the similarities and differences between them
Represent and approximate composite shapes and objects in the environment, using combinations of familiar shapes and objects
Recognise and use combinations of transformations to create tessellations and other geometric patterns, using dynamic geometric software where appropriate
Describe and perform translations, reflections and rotations of shapes, using dynamic geometric software where appropriate; recognise what changes and what remains the same, and identify any symmetries
Estimate, construct and measure angles in degrees, using appropriate tools including a protractor, and relate these measures to angle names
Describe the features of three-dimensional objects
Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols
Sorts, describes, represents and recognises familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms
Supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained
Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores two- dimensional shapes, including quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used
Makes, compares, sketches and names three-dimensional objects, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres, and describes their features
Recognises, describes and represents shapes including quadrilaterals and other common polygons
Recognises, describes and represents familiar three-dimensional objects
Makes and sketches models and nets of three-dimensional objects including prisms and pyramids
Estimates, measures and compares capacities (internal volumes) using litres, millilitres and volumes using cubic centimetres
explain and compare the geometric properties of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects
Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies
Describe the features of three-dimensional objects
Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features