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Similes & Metaphors Bingo

Similes & Metaphors Bingo
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This bingo game will help students differentiate between similes and metaphors that are used in everyday life. They will match meanings to each statement, so they are better equipped to interpret and to use these devices effectively in texts.

Suitable for
  • Fast Finishers
  • Relief Teachers
Lesson Structure
  • Rotations / Group Work
Curriculum Codes

AC9E5LE04 9

Examine the effects of imagery, including simile, metaphor and personification, and sound devices in narratives, poetry and songs

AC9E5LE05 9

Create and edit literary texts, experimenting with figurative language, storylines, characters and settings from texts students have experienced

ACELT1611 8.4

Understand, interpret and experiment with sound devices and imagery, including simile, metaphor and personification, in narratives, shape poetry, songs, anthems and odes

ACELT1798 8.4

Create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors

ACELY1808 8.4

Use interaction skills for identified purposes, using voice and language conventions to suit different situations, selecting vocabulary, modulating voice and using elements such as music, images and sound for specific effects

ACELY1811 8.4

Use interaction skills to present and discuss an idea and to influence and engage an audience by selecting persuasive language, varying voice tone, pitch, and pace, and using elements such as music and sound effects

ACELA1552 8.4

Investigate how evaluation can be expressed directly and indirectly using devices, for example allusion, evocative vocabulary and metaphor

EN3-3A old

Uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies

EN3-7C old

Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and ideas and identifies connections between texts when responding to and composing texts

EN3-2A old

Composes, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts

EN3-OLC-01 new

Communicates to wide audiences with social and cultural awareness, by interacting and presenting, and by analysing and evaluating for understanding

EN3-VOCAB-01 new

Extends Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, morphological analysis and generating precise definitions for specific contexts

EN3-CWT-01 new

Plans, creates and revises written texts for multiple purposes and audiences through selection of text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language

EN3-SPELL-01 new

Automatically applies taught phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling in a range of contexts, and justifies spelling strategies used to spell unfamiliar words

EN3-HANDW-01 new

Sustains a legible, fluent and automatic handwriting style

EN3-HANDW-02 new

Selects digital technologies to suit audience and purpose to create texts

EN3-UARL-01 new

Analyses representations of ideas in literature through narrative, character, imagery, symbol and connotation, and adapts these representations when creating texts

EN3-UARL-02 new

Analyses representations of ideas in literature through genre and theme that reflect perspective and context, argument and authority, and adapts these representations when creating texts


Understand, interpret and experiment with sound devices and imagery, including simile, metaphor and personification, in narratives, shape poetry, songs, anthems and odes


Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced


Create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors

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