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Space Flashcards

Space Flashcards
View Curriculum Codes   

This set of flashcards lists words relevant to the Space theme along with matching pictures.

Curriculum Codes

AC9S6U02 9

Describe the movement of Earth and other planets relative to the sun and model how Earth’s tilt, rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun relate to cyclic observable phenomena, including variable day and night length

ACSSU078 8.4

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun)


Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun)

ST3-1WS-S old

Plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and summarises data to communicate conclusions

ST3-10ES-S old

Explains regular events in the solar system and geological events on the Earth’s surface

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Florella Stewart
Posted 13 years ago
QLD, Australia
fabulous resource.
Canan Coskun
Posted 13 years ago
QLD, Australia
Excellent. I love the visuals on the flashcards.