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STEAM Unit: Building Better Bridges

STEAM Unit: Building Better Bridges
View Curriculum Codes   

This activity builds on the previous fun and learning of ‘Building Bridges’ and challenges students to think about how engineers choose materials based on the forces acting on bridges. 
After watching a presentation on how forces affect material choices, pairs of students will be presented with a set of materials out of which they will make bridges. Aspects of the Science curriculum will be covered in how they observe, predict and test their bridges using the attached worksheets.

 While many of the concepts may be challenging for students in lower primary, it may be a fun activity to extend those students who enjoyed ‘Building Bridges’. 

Suitable for
  • Relief Teachers
  • Parents
Lesson Structure
  • Rotations / Group Work
  • Class Activity
Curriculum Codes

AC9S3H01 9

Examine how people use data to develop scientific explanations

AC9S3I01 9

Pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations

AC9S3I03 9

Follow procedures to make and record observations, including making formal measurements using familiar scaled instruments and using digital tools as appropriate

AC9S3I02 9

Use provided scaffolds to plan and conduct investigations to answer questions or test predictions, including identifying the elements of fair tests, and considering the safe use of materials and equipment

AC9S3I04 9

Construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns

AC9S3I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate findings and ideas for identified purposes and audiences, using scientific vocabulary and digital tools as appropriate

AC9TDE4K01 9

Examine design and technologies occupations and factors including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs

AC9TDE4K02 9

Describe how forces and the properties of materials affect function in a product or system

AC9TDE4P01 9

Explore needs or opportunities for designing, and test materials, components, tools, equipment and processes needed to create designed solutions

AC9TDE4P03 9

Select and use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed solutions

AC9TDE4P04 9

Use given or co-developed design criteria including sustainability to evaluate design ideas and solutions

AC9TDE4P05 9

Sequence steps to individually and collaboratively make designed solutions

AC9S4U04 9

Examine the properties of natural and made materials including fibres, metals, glass and plastics and consider how these properties influence their use

AC9S4U03 9

Identify how forces can be exerted by one object on another and investigate the effect of frictional, gravitational and magnetic forces on the motion of objects

AC9S4H01 9

Examine how people use data to develop scientific explanations

AC9S4I01 9

Pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations

AC9S4I02 9

Use provided scaffolds to plan and conduct investigations to answer questions or test predictions, including identifying the elements of fair tests, and considering the safe use of materials and equipment

AC9S4I03 9

Follow procedures to make and record observations, including making formal measurements using familiar scaled instruments and using digital tools as appropriate

AC9S4I04 9

Construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns

AC9S4I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate findings and ideas for identified purposes and audiences, using scientific vocabulary and digital tools as appropriate

AC9S5H01 9

Examine why advances in science are often the result of collaboration or build on the work of others

AC9S5I01 9

Pose investigable questions to identify patterns and test relationships and make reasoned predictions

AC9S5I04 9

Construct and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs and visual or physical models, to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships

AC9S5I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate ideas and findings for specific purposes and audiences, including selection of language features, using digital tools as appropriate

AC9TDE6K01 9

Explain how people in design and technologies occupations consider competing factors including sustainability in the design of products, services and environments

AC9TDE6K05 9

Explain how characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment affect their use when producing designed solutions

AC9TDE6P05 9

Develop project plans that include consideration of resources to individually and collaboratively make designed solutions

AC9S6H01 9

Examine why advances in science are often the result of collaboration or build on the work of others

AC9S6I01 9

Pose investigable questions to identify patterns and test relationships and make reasoned predictions

AC9S6I02 9

Plan and conduct repeatable investigations to answer questions including, as appropriate, deciding the variables to be changed, measured and controlled in fair tests; describing potential risks; planning for the safe use of equipment and materials; and identifying required permissions to conduct investigations on Country/Place

AC9S6I04 9

Construct and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs and visual or physical models, to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships

AC9S6I06 9

Write and create texts to communicate ideas and findings for specific purposes and audiences, including selection of language features, using digital tools as appropriate

ACSHE050 8.4

Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships

ACSIS053 8.4

With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge

ACSIS054 8.4

With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment

ACSIS055 8.4

Consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately

ACSIS057 8.4

Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends

ACSIS215 8.4

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings

ACSIS060 8.4

Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations

ACTDEK010 8.4

Recognise the role of people in design and technologies occupations and explore factors, including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs

ACTDEK011 8.4

Investigate how forces and the properties of materials affect the behaviour of a product or system

ACTDEK013 8.4

Investigate the suitability of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment for a range of purposes

ACTDEP014 8.4

Critique needs or opportunities for designing and explore and test a variety of materials, components, tools and equipment and the techniques needed to produce designed solutions

ACTDEP016 8.4

Select and use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques and use safe work practices to make designed solutions

ACTDEP017 8.4

Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions based on criteria for success developed with guidance and including care for the environment

ACTDEP018 8.4

Plan a sequence of production steps when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively

ACSSU074 8.4

Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties that can influence their use

ACSSU076 8.4

Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance

ACSHE061 8.4

Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships

ACSIS064 8.4

With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge

ACSIS065 8.4

With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment

ACSIS066 8.4

Consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately

ACSIS216 8.4

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings

ACSIS071 8.4

Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations

ACSHE081 8.4

Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions

ACSIS231 8.4

With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations

ACSIS090 8.4

Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate

ACSIS218 8.4

Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations

ACSIS093 8.4

Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts

ACTDEK019 8.4

Examine how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services, and environments for current and future use

ACTDEK023 8.4

Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use

ACTDEP028 8.4

Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively

ACSHE098 8.4

Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions

ACSIS232 8.4

With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations

ACSIS103 8.4

Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks

ACSIS107 8.4

Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate

ACSIS221 8.4

Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations

ACSIS110 8.4

Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts

ST2-1WS-S old

Questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations

ST2-2DP-T old

Selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

ST2-4LW-S old

Compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things

ST2-5LW-T old

Describes how agricultural processes are used to grow plants and raise animals for food, clothing and shelter

ST2-6MW-S old

Describes how adding or removing heat causes a change of state

ST2-7MW-T old

Investigates the suitability of natural and processed materials for a range of purposes

ST2-8PW-ST old

Describes the characteristics and effects of common forms of energy, such as light and heat

ST2-9PW-ST old

Describes how contact and non-contact forces affect an object’s motion

ST2-10ES-S old

Investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes to the Earth’s surface