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What is sound? - Presentation

What is sound? - Presentation
View Curriculum Codes   

This presentation has been created to support lesson 1 of the Hearing Sounds unit. It allows the teacher to walk students through visual examples and illustrations of the content for the Year 2 physical sciences curriculum.

This presentation is part of a larger unit available on Teach This.

Curriculum Codes

AC9S2U02 9

Explore different actions to make sounds and how to make a variety of sounds, and recognise that sound energy causes objects to vibrate

ACSSU020 8.4

Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed


Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed

ST1-1WS-S old

Observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas

ST1-2DP-T old

Uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity

ST1-8PW-S old

Describes common forms of energy and explores some characteristics of sound energy

ST1-9PW-ST old

Investigates how forces and energy are used in products

ST1-10ES-S old

Recognises observable changes occurring in the sky and on the land and identifies Earth’s resources

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