This unit is based on the Foundation Australian Curriculum HASS Inquiry Skills, Knowledge and Understandings for Geography. The unit begins by introducing the students to the concept of ‘Country’ and students will gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Country to First Nations Australians. Students will also learn about the Traditional Lands that their school community is located on while learning about the importance of Acknowledgement of Country. Students will be assessed on their ability to show their own connections to Country and how it can be cared for. Throughout the unit, there are some recommended texts to help support these concepts for younger students.

5 x 1 hour lessons
Cross curriculum
23x resources/worksheets
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Australian Curriculum - (QLD/SA/WA/NT/TAS/ACT)


The importance of Country/Place to First Nations Australians and the Country/Place on which the school is located


The Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country/Place on which the school is located and why Country/Place is important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples



Identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people


Communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Country/Place on which the school is located and why Country/Place is important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the ways in which they maintain special connections to particular Country/Place


Identify how people are connected to different places


The key concepts in this unit include:

  • Identifying the meaning of ‘Country.’
  • Discussing the importance of Country to First Nations Australians.
  • Learning about and recognising the Traditional Lands the school community is located on.
  • Making our own connections to Country.
  • Showing respect for the lands we live on.
Learning Intention
  • We are learning to acknowledge and use the name of local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language groups and why the words Country and Place are important.
  • We are learning to acknowledge and use the name of local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language groups and why the words Country and Place are important.
Linked Resources & Activities