This short unit is based on the Year 3 Australian national science curriculum. During this unit, students will learn some of the fundamentals of geology, as they observe the properties of soil, rocks and minerals and learn why they are important. This unit relies on a number of hands on activities, which can be contracted or extended depending on the amount of time you have available in your classroom.

6 x 1 hour lessons
Cross curriculum
19x resources/worksheets
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Australian Curriculum - (QLD/SA/WA/NT/TAS/ACT)


Pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations


Construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns


Compare the observable properties of soils, rocks and minerals and investigate why they are important Earth resources


Compare findings with those of others, consider if investigations were fair, identify questions for further investigation and draw conclusions


Write and create texts to communicate findings and ideas for identified purposes and audiences, using scientific vocabulary and digital tools as appropriate


Follow procedures to make and record observations, including making formal measurements using familiar scaled instruments and using digital tools as appropriate


Use provided scaffolds to plan and conduct investigations to answer questions or test predictions, including identifying the elements of fair tests, and considering the safe use of materials and equipment


The key concepts in this unit include:


  • Geology is the science of the structure of the earth, and includes the study
  • of rocks, minerals and soil.
  • The Earth is made of multiple layers, including the rocky crust.
  • The rocks of the crust can be classified based on how they are formed in
  • the layers of the earth as part of the rock cycle.
  • We can compare the texture, colour, grain and crystal size of rocks.
  • Soil is vital to life on earth, and can be classified based on its component
  • parts.
Learning Intention
  • We are learning to compare the observable properties of soils, rocks and minerals and investigate why they are important Earth resources.
Linked Resources & Activities
Linked Worksheets